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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ten Pictures of Things I'm Doing Before Summer School Starts

I visited graves in four cemeteries in Southwest Iowa.
I went to the Henry Doorly Zoo with my daughter
where we saw the lemurs up close and personal.

At the zoo, we also visited the aquarium; my new favorite
exhibit is the jellyfish. These are the upside-down ones.

Two of my daughters and my son-in-law went to the
Cardinals-Royals' baseball game on Memorial Day. This is Kelsey with me.

This is my daughter Abby and son-in-law Brandon. We were
happy when the sun came out! It rained on us all the way to
Kansas City. 

This is Adam Wainwright pitching for the Cardinals.
We have been to quite a few games and have seen several
of our favorite players over the years. We are thinking of 

traveling to St. Louis when the Phillies are in town in July 
in hopes of seeing former Chieftain Tyler Cloyd pitch. 

I tried to get some yard and garden work done before
the rain began coming and coming and coming. . . .

My daughter Abby helped me the Friday after school was out, and we
got several flower beds and pots planted. 

I have been able to enjoy a few of my iris blooming
in between the showers and thunderstorms.

I was fortunate to be invited to some of my students'
graduation parties, so I have been pretty well-fed. (This is
the cake we had in my English classes the last full day
for the seniors.) 

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